Today's #Pawsitivepic: Stray Cat Shows Up on Volunteer's Doorstep - Now He's Safe

Meet Trigger, the subject of today's #pawsitivepic.

Trigger was struggling through life as an unneutered stray when a stroke of luck brought him to a doorstep in Abbey Wood one day. That doorstep happened to belong to a CatCuddles volunteer, who quickly put the wheels in motion to get Trigger neutered, off the streets, and to our SE2 fostering base, where he is today.

Stray Cat Rescued CatCuddles Sanctuary London

Being an extremely friendly, outgoing, and chatty boy with piercing green eyes, Trigger has enjoyed some promising adoption interest already. We suspect that adoption day will be just around the corner for him.

The fur loss on Trigger's face is a result of a previous abscess. This is a common injury among unneutered Tomcats, as their hormones compel them to fight and inflict terrible bite wounds on one another, which then go untreated, become infected, and develop into painful abscesses.

Sadly, these bites are also the main factor in the spread of FIV, and the reason why it is predominantly unneutered male cats who contract the virus - contrary to popular belief, FIV cannot be spread through sharing bowls or simply mixing with other felines. Trigger is pending a test for the virus at our new North London clinic, but should it come back positive, it will not impact his life too much. FIV positive cats in safe and happy homes, under the care of a vet, are capable of living, long, comfortable and healthy lives.

It is the many FIV positive cats living in poor conditions as strays who suffer the most from having the condition. It's just one of the many reasons why neutering your cat is the kindest thing you can d for them and for cats everywhere.

Thankfully, Trigger has evaded the sad fate of many strays, and what awaits him instead is happiness, security, and love in an adoptive home. With our North London cat clinic now officially in operation, our ability to help more cats like him, both with rehoming and vet treatment, has also tripled. Here's to transforming many more lives in the coming years.

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